Using Gold-Vision


General Navigation

Filters and Searching Options

Folders and Tags

Folders can be added to Campaigns, Emails and Landing Pages to organise and easily find items.  



You only have the option to add Tags to Generic Emails.

Folder and Tag fields are optional and can be set when creating templates, new emails, landing pages, campaigns or generic elements.

Creating a new record

To use Folders and Tags when creating a new record you can type the beginning of the name of the pre-existing folder or tag into the appropriate drop down to find what you are looking for or use the arrow to open the drop-down list.  

To create a new Folder or Tag this will appear as an option when you type a name into the drop-down that Marketing doesn’t recognise: 

Managing Folders

Templates, Campaigns, Emails and Landing pages have a folder section in the Filter list: 


New Folder

To create a new Folder Click on the + Icon.   Enter a Folder Name and click Create.

Folder Settings

Click on the Settings Icon.  Select the Folder and click on the Edit icon to amend the name and Save.  Or Click on the Delete Icon to Delete.   



Tags are words or key phrases that you can assigned to Campaigns, Emails, Generic Emails and Landing Pages to help you find items.  


Statuses are pre-defined and can be used to easily identify the status of an item. 

Campaign – Planning, Active or Completed statuses
Emails – Draft, Scheduled, Sending, Sent, Automated
Landing Pages – Draft, Scheduled, Publishing, Published, Unpublished.


You can click on a Brand Name to show items for your product areas or categoriesThe Brand filter option will be displayed in the Filter options for Campaigns, All Elements, Emails and Landing Pages.  


You can easily find items using the search fieldSimply enter the characters then enter to find items matching all or part of the search criteria.


Use the sort options to filter items in the required order, by Name, Created by or Created or Updated Date.  You can then choose Ascending or Descending order.     


Click on the View Icon to change to Grid, List or Timeline view. 

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