Using Gold-Vision


Follow up Email

In Gold-Vision Marketing you can create Follow up Email which can be sent after an email recipient has engaged with an earlier email, perhaps by opening the email.

From the Emails list, click on New Email and choose Follow up Email as the email type.


Follow the steps in Email Description to name your email and do your Email Design it as you would for any other kind of email.

When your design is complete, there are various ways that you can connect this Follow up email to the action taken by an email recipient to an early email in the chain. You can use:

You can progress to the Inbound Connections tab and click on the + New button.

Select an earlier saved email to which to link this follow up email.

Once you have done so you move to the Automation tab to add further Follow Up emails based on a recipient’s action taken for your current email.

You can view a graphical representation of this email journey using the Journey tab.

Activate this email when you are ready to do so.

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