Using Gold-Vision


Duplicate Scoring

Lead Management has some advanced deduplication facilities, and checks incoming data for duplication within the imported list, between imports and in Gold-Vision. When duplicates are found, two fields are calculated. Duplicate Score – The maximum score of all the rules which have returned duplicates Duplicate Count – The number of Contact records of which the item is a duplicate. This is not the number of duplicates in total (i.e. where two separate rules have indicated the same Contact record is a duplicate, this will contribute to the Duplicate Count as a single duplicate).  See Appendix B for duplicate rules. Please see below for examples of de-duplication scoring

Duplicate Score

  • Similar company name and matching postcode.  Score: 35
  • Matching website. Score: 40
  • Similar company name and similar contact name. Score: 35
  • Matching contact phone number. Score: 40
  • Matching contact email: Score: 50
  • Similar company name and matching town. Score: 20
  • Similar company name and phone number. Score: 30

Duplicate Score Examples

“Similar” means soundex ( Duplication Examples and Scoring

Web Domain

Score: High Level: Account Two records have the same website text once https://, https:// e.g. “” is a duplicate of “”.

Company Soundex & Town

Score: Low Level: Account Two records have the same Soundex of the Company name once spaces and non-alphabetical characters are removed and the same Town name. e.g. The following records would be flagged as duplicates:
Company Name Town
Gold-VisionWest Haddon 
Gold Vision (Esteiro)West Haddon

Company Longest Word & Town

Score: Low Level: Account Two records have the same Longest Word of the Company name and the same Town name. e.g. The following records would be flagged as duplicates:
Company Name Town
Esteiro Gold-VisionWest Haddon 
Gold Vision West Haddon

Company Soundex & Postcode

Score: Low Level: Account Two records have the same Soundex of the Company name once spaces and non-alphabetical characters are removed and the same Postcode once spaces are removed. e.g. The following records would be flagged as duplicates:
Company Name Postcode
Gold-VisionNN6 7NY
Gold Vision (Esteiro)NN67NY

 Company Longest Word & Postcode

Score: Low Level: Account Two records have the same Soundex of the Company name once spaces and non-alphabetical characters are removed and the same Postcode once spaces are removed.
Company Name Postcode
Esteiro Gold-VisionNN6 7NY
Gold VisionNN67NY

 E-mail Address

Score: High Level: Contact Two records have the same e-mail address. If the address in Gold-Vision contains the text “ (duplicate email)”, this is removed before the comparison. Also, the emails are only compared if they are valid (i.e. contain “@”). e.g. “” matches “ (duplicate email)”

Contact Phones

Score: High Level: Contact Two records have the same phone number recorded as either the contact’s main phone number or mobile phone number. A duplicate is not flagged if the number in question matches the Company phone number, as this is an indication that the number is repeated and it is assumed the contact records belong to the same company but are separate contacts. Before the phone numbers are compared, spaces and non-numeric characters are removed. The last ten characters of the phone number are used for comparison. e.g. Some examples of where duplicates would be flagged:
Contact Phone Contact Mobile Company Phone
+44 (0)1788 123456 07224 32589801788 511110
01788 12345607456 48135401788 515423
An example where duplicates would not be flagged
Contact Phone Contact Mobile Company Phone
01788 51111007224 32589801788 511110 
01788 12345601788 51111001788 511110

Contact Soundex and Company Soundex

Score: Medium Level: Contact Two contact records have the same Contact First Name soundex, Contact Last Name soundex and Company name soundex. All the soundexes are based on the value with spaces and no alphabetical characters removed. e.g. “Robert Edward Gray” at “Gold-Vision” is a duplicate of “Robert Gray” at “Gold Vision (Esteiro)”

Company Phone

Score: Low Level: Company Two contact records have the same Company Phone Number once spaces and non-numeric characters are removed. The comparison is performed on the last ten characters making up the phone number. e.g. “+44 (0)1788 511110” is a duplicate of “01788 511110”.

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