Using Gold-Vision


Creating Sales Target Charts

Creating Target Dashboards

  • Target dashboards can be created from the Sales or Forecasts Lists.
  • Firstly, within either menu change the ‘State’ to ‘All’ and select a custom date.


In settings, you can create custom date periods to match Financial dates used by your business

  • Click on ‘Views’, select ‘Report’ and then ‘Create a New Widget’, select ‘Target Chart’.
  • There are 3 types to choose from: Target Chart, Heat Table and Gauge Chart.
  • Enter in a unique name, define an X and Y axis and select the period to match your definition.
  • Click on Save.

This can then be pinned to a Homepage Dashboard and shared with the wider team.

Below is an example of a ‘Sales vs Forecast’ Target chart.


Your Administrators will need to setup Targets in the Settings area, see here for more information on How To Setup Sales Target


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