
User Settings

How To Setup Sales Target

Gold-Vision gives you the ability to setup your own Sales Targets which is a great way to keep your Sales Teams focused and provide an overview on how your business sales are performing. 

Targets can be setup for Sales, Leads, Appointments or Activities in Gold-Vision, these can then be used in the reporting area in lists such as Sales, Forecast, Leads, Appointments and Activities. 

Targets within Gold-Vision are managed in User Targets within Settings area.

Setting up a New Target

Step 1 Create a User Target Definition, to do this…

  • Go to Settings and click on User Targets.
  • Click on Actions and then press ‘New’ to start creating a new sales target
  • Enter a unique name and choose from the options available in the ‘Type’ field to select a period.
  • Here you can choose from weekly, quarterly, monthly and yearly options.
  • Remember to Save and then you can add a target value for each user.


The value will remain the same for each year, but you can create different target values for each period.

Setting up a User Target

Step 2 Create a User Target for each user, to do this…

Click into the target you have created and then select ‘New’.

Enter a name, select a user, add a Start Date, select a Currency and then enter a Target Value.


Once you have setup your Targets you can create Target Charts, see Creating Sales Target Charts for more on this.

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