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Articles tagged "lists" returned 84 results.

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Configuring Loqate Email Validation or lead lists Validation time span Up to 730 days, set a time period for which an email address remains valid Data retention policy A setting to control what...

Adding & Viewing Engagement Scores

...60 days. Close modal Info The Trend column can also be viewed against other lists these include:- Activities, Appointments, Contacts, Forecast, Opportunities, Projects, Product Sales, Profile, Quotes & Sales lists....

Set up your annual reporting Gold-Vision. Use either the Sales and Forecast Lists, Opportunities or Quotes lists to get the data you want from your monthly or annual charts. Create your monthly or quarterly...

Add Widgets to a Home Page Dashboard

...Ellipsis Icon to share your Dashboard with colleagues or add more Widgets. Pinning widgets to a Home Page Lists, Charts, Counts and Tables created from lists can also be added...

Power searching

Power searching allows users to filter lists with a range of searches such as: ANDSearch Example: filtering Accounts with Industry set to Manufacturing AND in United Kingdom. Here you could filter using...

Creating A Target Chart

Charts, tables and counts are known as Widgets and can be created from lists or Home Pages. Target charts are a special type of chart that show performance against Product...

Create a campaign source

Campaign Sources are flexible, reusable lists that can be created for use with Gold-Vision Connect, mail merges or to simply export the data to a CSV file. Close modal Creating...

Sales Reports

Gold-Vision has built-in reporting which makes creating reports, charts and home pages simple for your sales reporting. Create Sales Reports Within various lists in the system you can create reports...

Creating A Count

Charts, tables and counts, known as Widgets, can be created from lists or Home Pages. Creating A Count From A List To create a Count from a list, select Report...

Using Bulk Replace

...rather than having to update records individually.   Bulk Replace Filter your list and select Bulk Replace from the Actions menu More information about how to filter lists can be...