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Search Results

Articles tagged "lists" returned 84 results.

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Sales and Forecast Lists

There are dedicated Sales lists available, depending on User Access Options, on the View menu. The purpose of the lists is to allow for listing and reporting on the sales...

Price Lists

Multiple Price Lists can be used with the Quotation and Product areas. You can view and manage Price Lists in the Settings area. Adding A Price List New Price Lists...

Discounts, Price Lists, Financial Entities

...% Price Lists Price lists allow you to provide specific pricing for an account. A price list can be set up to provide a percentage discount for an account e.g....

Viewing & Editing Lists

Viewing Lists Lists can be viewed by selecting an item from the View menu Close modal View Records from the List To access any records from the list click on...

Searching and Filtering Lists

Searching Lists Select the column you would like to search for and enter the item description and hit return. The list will then display all records that start with that...

Design your Screen and Lists

Who is it aimed at? Gold-Vision Administrators and managers. What does it cover? How to configure your screens and lists in Gold-Vision 8   This webinar will last approximately 20...

Filtering Sublists

When viewing Sublist’s against an Object in Gold-Vision you can set default filters. This will allow users to access relevant information quickly against an item as well as adding extra...

Design your Screen and Lists

Who is it aimed at? Gold-Vision Administrators and managers. What does it cover? How to configure your screens and lists in Gold-Vision 8   This webinar will last approximately 20...

Design your Screen and Lists

Who is it aimed at? Gold-Vision Administrators and managers. What does it cover? How to configure your screens and lists in Gold-Vision 8   This webinar will last approximately 20...

Design your Screen and Lists

Who is it aimed at? Gold-Vision Administrators and managers. What does it cover? How to configure your screens and lists in Gold-Vision 8   This webinar will last approximately 20...