Using Gold-Vision

Campaigns & Connect

Welcome new customers

Hurrah! After capturing a lead and nurturing it up to the crucial purchase decision, you’ve won a new customer! Great news! So, that’s that for marketing automation, right? Wrong!

Many Marketing Automation solutions position themselves as a ‘lead only’ tool. The main reason for this is they run inside their own product database, separate to CRM. Once a lead has become a customer, typically it would move out of the Marketing Automation solution and into CRM. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Gold-Vision is a truly integrated solution. What this means is that once your lead has converted into a customer you can still use automation! One common requirement when onboarding new customers is to run a welcome series such as the example below:

Running a Welcome Email Series

The series includes a welcome email, an introduction to help and support contact details, an event calendar and finally a follow up call from their Account Manager. By ensuring that you have set up and started your automated email templates in Gold-Vision Connect, it takes just minutes to set up your Welcome Campaign.


Requirements: Marketing Automation, Campaigns, Gold-Vision Connect

Step 1

Create and start your automated email templates for the welcome email, contact details and event calendar in Connect.

Step 2

Set up your automated Campaign. Create a Campaign Source of your customers by filtering a list in Gold-Vision.


Be conscious to create a Source that will only include customers from the date you would like your Campaign to start on, to avoid sending all of your existing customers the welcome series when you turn it on

Create a new Campaign and create your first Campaign Stage named Welcome Email with the Media type set to Connect Email and add the Source that you have created that contains your customers. Run your stage using an Automated Run, choose your automated template from the drop down options, and set a start and end date. This Campaign Stage only runs to New Recipients, every hour at 30 minutes past. This means that any new customer will automatically be added to this Campaign Stage, and sent a Welcome Email within an hour of becoming a new customer in Gold-Vision.
Add in 2 more Connect follow-up stages for the contact details and event calendar, and make then add the following rules to each: 1) Send to Sent Recipients only (will set automatically as default) 2) Delay Sending by 2 days. This will ensure that your new customers will receive each follow-up stage two days after the previous email. Set up the automation by running your Stages using Automated Run and choose your time of day to send, when to start and end the Campaign, and select your automated email template from the drop-down list.

Step 3

Finally, add in your final follow-up stage. This time select Phone as your Media type, add your rules (this time we delay the final Stage by 7 days) and a follow-up action, setting up the kind of activity you would like to occur. For instance, we’ve set the follow-up action to Create Account Activities for the Account Manager. This means that, every time this stage is run the Account Manager for every new customer will receive an Account Activity for them to call their customer 7 days after they receive the event calendar email.
Finally, run your Phone stage using Automated Run to set up the automation, we’ve set ours to run Daily at 10am.

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