

Introduction to Importing Leads

The Lead Management module provides an ideal environment for working on data outside of the main Gold-Vision system. For example, you may wish to keep a number of lists for marketing and lead generation purposes.

However, this data may not be in a state of accuracy, structure or completion where it can simply be loaded into the full CRM environment without compromising the existing data, and potentially triggering duplicate alerts.

Typically, this data may be in the form of a csv file from an exhibition you have attended,  where that data may be incomplete and requiring qualification prior to inclusion in to Gold-Vision ad the Lead area keeps them separate from your mail Gold-Vision Data.

There are two ways to import Lead Data…

  • The Import CSV option is a quick and easy way to import Leads into a List.

Lead Import Tool…

  1. Configure Lead Management Settings
  2. Prepare your data
  3. Download the Import Tool
  4. Importing your Leads
  5. Updating an Import 
  6. Configure your Lead screen
  7. Assign leads
  8. Qualify, progress leads, promote to Gold-Vision

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