Using Privacy Actions in Gold Vision GDPR
Gold-Vision Administrators, having defined their GDPR policies, will be able to record a purpose against both Leads and Contacts. This purpose will outline the lawful basis and retention period applied to the record.
Under The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, individuals have the right to access their personal and supplementary information via a subject access request. Such requests can be logged either for a Lead or a Contact.
In Screen Designer, available in the Settings area, fields can be marked as either Personal or Sensitive and exported as a .CSV file. You will need to be an Admin to complete this task.
Individuals also have the right to request the removal or deletion of personal data when there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. Again, such requests can be logged either for a Lead or a Contact. Once logged, the Data Administrator can erase (permanently delete) this data individually or in bulk.
Accessing Privacy Actions and Privacy Logs
Privacy Actions can be accessed within either a Lead of Contact record and via the Actions menu.
Record Purpose
You can record a purpose against a Lead or Contact (used to superficially define the individual’s original or ongoing data relationship)
Log Erasure Request
You can record an individual’s desire to exercise their right and have their data removed from Gold-Vision. The request will be recorded in the individual’s Privacy Log and can be erased by the Data Administrator via the Privacy Dashboard. Personal details contained in data sources will also be removed and will also be deleted from any Data Sources into which the contact has been added for Gold-Vision Marketing.
If a Contact record is deleted from within the Contact record it can be reinstated in the Admin area. However, data erased in this way, cannot be brought back.
Subject Access Request
You can record an individual’s desire to exercise their right and access their personal and supplementary data. The request will be recorded in the individual’s Privacy Log and can be erased by the Data Administrator via the Privacy Dashboard.
Under Article 12 of The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/67 users should process the request “without undue delay” and within one month.
Privacy Notice Provided
You can manually record that an individual has been provided with or directed to a copy of the user’s Privacy Notice.Privacy Log
The Privacy Log for a Lead or Contact will automatically record the Purpose, Lawful Basis, Deletion Data and Subject Access Requests (if applicable).
Tip: Admin Users can make the Privacy Log visible against the record by configuring its Screen Design within the Admin area.