

Importing your Leads

Files can be imported into Lead Management in separated text formats such as CSV or tab delimited. Lead imports are performed in a similar way to standard Gold-Vision imports.

Leads Import

  • Start a new import and select your file (see preparing your Data)
  • Map the fields from the csv file (Column Name) to the Gold-Vision Object eg Account and the relevant field.
  • Click Next and enter a name for import and for the Object Label (this will be the name of the Lead screen that is created. See Configuring your Lead Screen.


The import will start and the duplication process will begin.

What Next?

Configure the Lead Screen

Configure your Lead Screen using the Screen Designer.

Lead List Settings

From the View menu → Lead Lists → Select the Lead list you have imported. Adjust the Status, Access and Promotion Mode as required:
  • List Owner is the user who imported the Leads – this can be changed.
  • List Status can be set to Open (Leads editable) or Closed (Leads hidden).
  • Access Mode can be set to Public, Team or Private.
  • Choose your Promotion Mode from Anyone or Approval Required.
These settings can be amended at anytime.

Assign the Leads

 Assign Leads to your team.

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