Using Gold-Vision


Create Dashboards or Menus for your team

Create Homepage Dashboards or Menus for your team and make them public.

This will help to make sure everyone is working from the same sales data.

Dashboards can be created from your Product Sales List, Forecast list, Quotes and Opportunity Lists


Create Product Sales Dashboards

From the Product Sales list filter the list as required, click Views and Reports select Create New Widget than add it to a New or Existing Home Page Dashboard

Make your Dashboard Public

If you would like other users to view your Home Page Dashboard make this public by Sharing it.

Resize Widgets & Charts

You can also resize widgets and charts to any size by clicking in the bottom left or right hand side of a widget.


You can use F5 on your keyboard to refresh your dashboard.

Create a Menu for your Team

Add regularly used items to a menu and enable this for visibility by your team.  Using the Actions menu as above select to “Pin To Menu” your filtered list or view from any item.

Enter a name for your list and select either an Existing Menu or create a New menu from this screen.

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