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Articles tagged "quick-campaign" returned 158 results.

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Configure QuickBooks Online integration QuickBooks Online Live Modules – allows users to live select products from Quickbooks Online Batch Modules – which send information from QuickBooks Online to Gold-Vision Configure Real-time Modules Close...

QuickBooks Online Integration Overview Creating a new QuickBooks Online Customer from a Gold-Vision Account Create QuickBooks Online Estimate and/ or Invoice from a Gold-Vision Quote Search for QuickBooks Online products within Gold-Vision Import...

Using the QuickBooks Online integration

1. Gold-Vision Account to Quickbooks Online Customer Based on the specific Alerts pre-configured, Gold-Vision Accounts can be pushed to QuickBooks Online Customers using different methods: In the example below the...

Create a quick campaign

Campaigns are used to manage all of your marketing communications and campaigns in one place. The fastest way this can be achieved is by creating a quick campaign. You can...

Install QuickBooks Online integration

...QuickBooks Online Go to the Manage tab in the integration Storefront and click Configure against the QuickBooks Online: Close modal Click Authenticate with QuickBooks Online Close modal You will then...

Creating a Quick Quote

Create a Quick Quote from the New menu This is used in circumstances where the Quote needs to be generated quickly. A parent Opportunity is generated automatically by Gold-Vision so...

How to create a quick campaign

A guide on how to create a quick campaign in Gold-Vision 8...

Campaign activities

...performance of your campaign. You can also add the cost of your campaign in the Campaign Stage details which will help you more accurately track the performance of your campaign....

Campaign Introduction

...modal Setting up a New Campaign Setting up a new Campaign will always involve these steps: 1. Create a Source Who do I want to contact? 2. Create a Campaign...


...Lead Recipients List. You can now create a new Campaign Source from the All Campaign Contact Recipients list When adding Accounts to a Campaign Source you can now add multi-select...