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Articles tagged "stage" returned 42 results.

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Run and re run a stage

Run a Stage There are two ways to run your campaign stage From the Campaign In campaign view, click the play button: Close modal From the Campaign Stage Alternatively, you...

Create a campaign stage

...Letter), and you can choose your Recipient Source for each Stage. Creating a Campaign Stage When you’re in a campaign, click the plus sign and select Campaign stage. Close modal...

Copy/delete a campaign stage

...monthly newsletters. To copy a campaign stage, open the stage that you would like to copy, then click Action and Copy Stage Close modal Delete Campaign Stage If, for some...

Campaign stage types

...and save your campaign stage, choosing Phone as the Media type. Next, create a follow-up action for the stage: Close modal This process will create a call activity for the...

Create a follow up stage

Once a Stage has been Run you may wish to create a Follow-Up Stage. Creating a Follow-up Stage To do this, click on Add follow-up stage and fill in all...

Add/exclude recipients to a stage

Add Recipients To add a source to a campaign stage, use the Sources drag and drop section at the bottom of the Campaign Stage Overview page. Select from the list...

How to create a follow up stage

A guide on how to create a follow-up stage to a campaign in Gold-Vision 8...

Welcome new customers

...Stage only runs to New Recipients, every hour at 30 minutes past. This means that any new customer will automatically be added to this Campaign Stage, and sent a Welcome...

Lead nurture

...campaign, create your first Stage, and add your exhibition lead source list to the stage. Now, run your stage and choose the Automated Run option. On this screen you will...

How to use follow up rules

...Run the Campaign Stage this will automatically create activities for all recipients within the stage. The Activities will be created and distributed as requested, for instance to the Account Manager...