Using Gold-Vision

Projects & Time

Viewing & Reporting-Time / Units

View Time / Unit Entries

Users can view the Time/ Unit Entries in different areas of Gold-Vision

1.View Time / Unit Entries from the Time / Unit Section 

All Time/ Unit Entries by User can be viewed in the Time/ Unit Section on the specific Gold-Vision record:

2. Time/ Unit Entries List on the Gold-Vision Record  If the Time/ Unit Entries List has been screen designed on the Gold-Vision record, users can see in list view all the user entries for that specific record.
3. Time / Unit Entries on the Gold-Vision Parent item  If the Time/ Unit Entries List has been screen designed on the Gold-Vision record, users can see in list view all the user entries for that specific record but also for the child records e.g. Time Entries for Projects can be seen in the Time entries List of the Account
4. Time / Unit Entries on the Global Time Entries list  To view all Time/ Unit Entries from the system, from the Main View Menu click on Time Entries

The list will then display all Time/ Unit Entries records from your Gold-Vision System 

Viewing Time logged that has been linked to Time Product Sales

Go to the Time Section on the Gold-Vision record and view:
  1. Summary breakdown:
  • Allocated – this represents the linked Time Product Sales e.g. you have sold 1 day
  • Logged (This) – this represents how much time has been logged for each Time Product sales
  • Logged (Total)- this represents how much total time has been logged for each Time Product sales
  • Remaining – this represents how much time is remaining for each Time Product sales
2. Time logged by User 
  • Summary – represents the name of the User that logged time
  • Allocated – represents the Time logged that has been linked to a Time Product Sale
  • Unallocated – represents the Time logged by the user that hasn’t been linked to a Time Product Sale
  • Total – represents the total Time logged by each user Allocated or Unallocated

Viewing Units logged that have been linked to Product Sales

Go to the Unit Section on the Gold-Vision record and view:
  1. Summary breakdown:
  • Allocated – this represents the linked Unit Product Sales e.g. you have sold 10 Units
  • Logged (This) – this represents how many Units have been logged for each Product sales
  • Logged (Total)- this represents the total Units that have been logged for each Product sales
  • Remaining – this represents how many Units are remaining for each  Product sales
2. Units logged by User 
  • Summary – represents the name of the User that logged the Units
  • Total – represents the total Units logged by each user

Time Reporting

Report on Time / Units logged  Using Dashboard functionality users can report on time / units logged Gold-Vision. Dashboards / Charts can be created from the global list of time/ unit entries or at record level.
  • Create Dashboards from Global list of Time / Unit Entries 
Go to the View Menu and select Time Entries

From the global list users can filter to see time / units logged by Account, User, Created Date or Item Type. 

For example users can create a dashboard to monitor time / units logged by users in a specific time frame: 

  • Create Dashboards from Gold-Vision record 
Access the Gold-Vision records that you want to create the Dashboard from and navigate to the Time Entries list

Go to Views and choose to Report 

Users can then create dashboards based on Time / Unit Entries from the specific Gold-Vision record : 

Report on Time/ Units logged linked to product sales  Using Dashboard functionality users can report on Time / Units logged Gold-Vision that are linked to Product Sales. To see the Time / Units logged against Gold-Vision records that are linked to Product Sales go to the global list of Tie / Unit entries:

Ensure that one of the column headers is set to Quote Detail and filter so that you can see only the Time / Unit entries that are linked to Product Sales by entering a underscore in the filter box underneath Quote Detail

From this list you can create Dashboards and Wedges to monitor time / units logged by users for specific Product Sales: 


For more information please visit How to Create A Chart

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