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Articles tagged "lists" returned 83 results.

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Eventbrite Integration Overview

...and Connect tools you can target specific contact lists for specific events and send targeted emails, before and after your event. Gold-Vision allows you to track the success of your...

Using the Exchequer Integration

...against the Gold-Vision Account Close modal 2. Lists against the Gold-Vision Account Close modal 3. Exchequer Transaction History List This list will display items such as invoices and credit memo’s...

Using Google Mapping

...all major lists to allow any geocoded items to be displayed on a map. In order for the map view to be displayed, one geocoded field must be selected to...

Using the Generic Phone Integration

...from: From most Lists On item Screens From the To Do Close modal Call Record History Gold-Vision records a list of numbers dialled from within the product. Each time you...

Using the Eventbrite Integration

...under the new Account No: Only this Contact will be put under the new Account. Extra Gold-Vision Event Functionality Creating Activities against Events Exporting Lists to create Badges Create Campaigns...

Facebook Integration Overview leads to specific lead lists when someone interacts with you page. Valuable insights – by using Touchpoints, you can understand the impact you social campaigns are having on your...


...options. Values in the Quotes and Opportunities lists are then converted on the fly and displayed in the Local Value field on the respective list (this field may need to...

Introduction to Importing Leads

The Lead Management module provides an ideal environment for working on data outside of the main Gold-Vision system. For example, you may wish to keep a number of lists for...

How Do I Export Data?

...adding any additional fields you need and then exporting the data to CSV. Export Data using Reports Filter your data (see ‘Viewing and Searching Lists‘), select Report from the Views...

How To Setup Sales Target

...sales are performing. Targets can be setup for Sales, Leads, Appointments or Activities in Gold-Vision, these can then be used in the reporting area in lists such as Sales, Forecast,...