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Articles tagged "financial" returned 20 results.
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Financial Entities
Financial Entities are a solution that enable Gold-Vision to process data sets relating to multiple financial packages, i.e. Sage and Exchequer. Financial Entities can be accessed in the Settings area....
Discounts, Price Lists, Financial Entities
...Price Lists can be set up by an Administrator. Financial Entities If you have integrated with a finance package such as SAGE or Exchequer, you can select the Financial Entity....
Creating a Quote Financial Entity Financial Entities are a solution primarily to handle Company data sets of a number of financial packages Gold-Vision integrates with (e.g. Sage, Exchequer) Financial Entities can be...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integration Overview
...question, as well as being able to conduct stock lookups based on data from Dynamics Nav. Financial data Viewing your financial data has never been easier, as information can be...
Using your Sage 200 integration sent. The third party fields are SAGE and the GV fields will be those that are set-up within GV. Viewing SAGE Financial data in Gold-Vision Financial information is pushed...
Using your Sage 50 Integration
...also need to select the financial entity at the time of creating the Quote. You can have different alert criteria to trigger items being pushed into Sage. In the example...
Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integration
...Viewing Dynamics NAV Financial data in Gold-Vision Financial information is pushed into Gold-Vision from Dynamics NAV in the following formats: 1. Fields against the Gold-Vision Account Close modal 2. Dynamics...
Using the Exchequer Integration
...quote record to Exchequer as a sales order. Close modal View Exchequer Financial data in Gold-Vision Financial information is pushed into Gold-Vision from Exchequer in the following formats: 1. Fields...
...with the line order resetting when using the API to update Quote Items has been resolved When creating a Products, users can now set the Financial Entity Campaign Automated Campaign...
Using the Xero Integration
...the product to the quote, it will appear within the quote lines of the specific quote: Close modal Close modal Viewing Xero Financial data in Gold-Vision Transaction History Edit an...