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Search Results

Articles tagged "marketing" returned 111 results.

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Campaign Settings

...Navigation for information on how to use the Search, Folder and Tag options on this list. Info See User Management to learn how to add users to your Marketing Workspace....

New Workspace

The first time you login to Marketing you need to set up a Workspace. Give your Workspace a name and press Continue: Close modal Setup a Brand You will then...

General Navigation

...option when you type a name into the drop-down that Marketing doesn’t recognise: Close modal Managing Folders Templates, Campaigns, Emails and Landing pages have a folder section in the Filter...

Tasks Overview

Tasks allows you to create a ‘To Do List’ to manage all your digital content. For example, the Marketing Manager may want to assign tasks for team members to create...

Team Management

You can organise your Marketing users by keeping them in Teams. To create a new team, go to ‘Team Management’ and press ‘+ New Team’. Close modal Then add a...

Tags into the drop-down that Marketing doesn’t recognise:   Close modal Searching Tags You can then search for Tags in the Campaigns, Elements, Emails or Landing pages filters. Close modal...

Folders type a name into the drop-down that Marketing doesn’t recognise: Close modal Managing Folders Templates, Campaigns, Emails and Landing pages have a folder section in the Filter list: Close...


...for Campaigns, All Elements, Emails and Landing Pages. Close modal Info A subscription to Gold-Vision Marketing has 3 tiers; Starter, Plus and Ultimate. If you need more than one brand...

Building your Template

...upon your subscription to Gold-Vision Marketing, you may have setup Merge Fields to use within your brand(s). Close modal Info See Merge Fields in the Brand section for more information...

Follow up Email

In Gold-Vision Marketing you can create Follow up Email which can be sent after an email recipient has engaged with an earlier email, perhaps by opening the email. From the...