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Articles tagged "follow-up" returned 119 results.

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Importing a Collection

To import a collection you can follow these steps below. Still having issue? Please look at Postman’s Guide here From within Postman you will see an import button clicking on...

Additional Fields get them back out too. More information can be found on your Gold-Vision API OpenAPI Specification to access this replace YOUR-GOLD-VISION-URL with your URL in the following format https://YOUR-GOLD-VISION-URL/api...

Creating the client using IdentityModel

...Console with the following command: Install-Package IdentityModel or by using the CLI: dotnet add package IdentityModel IdentityModel includes a client library to use with the discovery endpoint. This way you...

Using the Generic Phone Integration

...system administrator. To learn more visit the Configuring Generic Phone Integration page. Configure your User In order to use the phone system integration, you must set it up against your...

Configuring Loqate Address Lookup

...for Address Lookup The first step is to turn address lookup on and select Loqate for the chosen system. Open the Settings menu Select Geo Settings Select Loquate Capture Interactive...

Using SharePoint Online Integration

...document editing Tip In order to use the integration it must first be setup by an administrator. Please click here to setup the Sharepoint Online integration. Uploading Files Files can...

Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integration

...Viewing Dynamics NAV Financial data in Gold-Vision Financial information is pushed into Gold-Vision from Dynamics NAV in the following formats: 1. Fields against the Gold-Vision Account Close modal 2. Dynamics...

Using the Exchequer Integration

...quote record to Exchequer as a sales order. Close modal View Exchequer Financial data in Gold-Vision Financial information is pushed into Gold-Vision from Exchequer in the following formats: 1. Fields...

Configuring LiveChat Integration

...involved in setting up a LiveChat integration: Activation of the LiveChat Integration by a Gold-Vision Support Team Set up in Gold-Vision Set up In Live Chat Set Group Defaults Set...

Using Lead Forensics Data

...list in Gold-Vision is designed to collate data from multiple sources in a single view so that rules, scoring and follow up actions can be created. Links to the Touch...