
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

Logs & Log Settings


Gold-Vision records logs for different areas of the system. These can be accessed within Logs in the Settings area. You can view a Log by selecting the record. The logs relate to the following areas of the system:
  • GoldVision_yyyy_mm_dd.txt – The main Gold-Vision system log, containing information on any UI errors.
  • MailScanner_yyyy_mm_dd.txt – The mail tracking log, which will show any issues with mailbox connections to Exchange/Gmail.
  • GoldScheduleLog_yyyy_mm_dd.txt – Log for the Gold-Schedule service, which controls automated processes such as mail tracking, reminder alert checking and firing of alerts to users.
  • DataTransferService_yyyy_mm_dd.txt – Log for the Gold-Vision Data Service, which synchronises data to and from Gold-Vision Connect, including mailshots and delivery, click-thru and bounce back data.
  • ThirdPartyData_yyyy_mm_dd.txt – Log covering interactions with Exchange/Google for calendar synchronisation, plus geo-coding services.

Logging Settings

These settings will usually be changed under the specific direction of Gold-Vision support.
Enabling Warning or Info messages can help diagnose any specific errors. The Keep Logs For (Days) setting ensures that old log files are cleared up after the defined number of days.


Tip: If you encounter any issues when using Gold-Vision it can be very useful to contact our support team and also email [email protected] copies of the log files.

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