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Articles tagged "Uncategorized" returned 76 results.

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Report, Calendar, Map and Flows view

Gold-Vision data can be viewed in a variety of formats in the system. From the views drop down options users can select which view is required.   Close modal List...

Viewing & Editing Lists

Viewing Lists Lists can be viewed by selecting an item from the View menu Close modal View Records from the List To access any records from the list click on...

Creating Accounts & Contacts

Create A New Account An Account is the central record for managing all company information, whether they’re customers, prospects, partners or suppliers. New Accounts can quickly be created by using...

X and Y axis in charts

Not sure which way round the X and Y axis are? Close modal Close modal Close modal Close modal...

Using Appointments to manage diaries

Keep on top of your Sales by managing your diary through Gold-Vision Configure Appointments to record the following information: Appointment type, Outcomes, Follow up, Meeting notes, Reports. Set Appointment types...

Use Google to Map your Sales

Map Opportunities / Sales or Leads Go to the list of your Opportunities and select the Maps View Close modal Crete routes to visit your opportunities or check if there...

Setting up Sales Charts

Here are some examples of Sale Charts you might find useful, with steps on how to create them. Historical overview of Product Sales From Product Sales List, filter all Closed...

Set targets

Create user targets In the Settings area, create user targets for Sales, Leads, Appointments or Activities. These targets can then be used in the reporting area in lists such as...

Sales and Forecast Lists

There are dedicated Sales lists available, depending on User Access Options, on the View menu. The purpose of the lists is to allow for listing and reporting on the sales...