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Articles tagged "campaign" returned 117 results.

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Add to an existing source

...Campaign, then Existing Source. Now, select the source that you want to add your list to and click OK. Close modal Once the list has been added to an existing...

Google Analytics

...= gvconnect utm_medium = email utm_content = <campaign type> utm_campaign = <campaign stage name> The results of a Connect Campaign can be viewed in Google Analytics under the Acquisition tab....


The Timeline view offers a dated display of your Campaign activity and tasks with options to display your Campaign elements for Today, Week or Month: Close modal Emails can be...


Folders can be added to Campaigns, Emails and Landing Pages to organise and easily find items. Folders are optional and can be set when creating templates, new emails, landing pages,...

Eventbrite Integration Overview

...Gold-Vision automatically. Promote Engage your customers before and after your events. Send an automated invitation campaign, or contact confirmed attendees, using Gold-Vision Connect. The all-in-one solution makes all event information...

Tasks Overview

...Brands, Assets (Images), Templates, Landing Pages, Campaigns, Social posts and more. A task can be linked to a Campaign, Email, Generic, Landing Page or it can be a standalone task....

Intro to Lead Management

...Lead Management tool to quickly work through the records so that you can make the most of leads that matter either by calling, including them in lead nurture campaigns and...

Delay sending follow up part of your automated nurture Campaign, but only to the Recipients who opened the first email. Rather than giving the impression that your company is bombarding them with emails,...

Touch Point Alert

...– this option is only available with Marketing Automation. Close modal Tip Tip: Use Touch Point Alerting to add ‘hot’ leads to a Campaign source for a Lead Nurture Campaign...

Configuring Google Analytics Integration

...The integration automatically adds campaign tracking codes to your email links, helping you to accurately measure campaign effectiveness and adjust accordingly. To read more on this, please visit Google Analytics...