Viewing & adding dashboards

Video Transcript

Introduction to Dashboards

On your home page, you’ll see the home tab as the active tab, and you may have other tabs (or dashboards) already present.  These are separate dashboards that you can either build yourself, or add from a list of dashboards created by other users, and shared.

  • As you add more dashboards, there may be more than can be shown across the page, so you’ll see a ‘more’ option that you can click to show any others
  • Clicking ‘Manage Dashboards’ will take you into the dashboard management area. At the top you can see the ‘add dashboard’ option.  Here you can choose a template or add a dashboard that someone else has built and shared
  • Clicking ‘blank template’ will create a blank dashboard where you can start adding widgets.  This will be explored in more detail in a later course.

Viewing a Dashboard

Here we can see the Sales dashboard, there are a number of widgets here of different types. These have been added by the sales team to share sales data visually to the business. We are the owner of this dashboard so we can change the size of the widgets using the resize handles and we can change the order of the drag and drop functionality.

We can use several styles of widget to show the data in the way we want, for example, we can use a pie chart, a column chart or a stacked column, as well as line and table styles. If we edit one of the widgets here, we can see the filters used that show us where the data set is being pulled from.

There will be an in-depth lesson on building and configuring dashboards in a later course.