
Google Analytics Integration Overview

Gold-Vision Connect’s free integration with Google Analytics allows you to delve deeper into email analytics, helping you to evaluate marketing campaign success in greater detail.

If you are new to Google Analytics, complete the set-up feature using your business’s Google login, or create a free account here.

Google Analytics integration for Gold-Vision Connect

Understand precisely what’s working – and what’s not – in your email campaigns using our free integration for Connect (Gold-Vision’s integrated email marketing tool). Connect has its own in-built analytics, but with the Google Analytics integration, you can get even better insights to help grow your business. The integration automatically adds campaign tracking codes to your email links, helping you to accurately measure campaign effectiveness and adjust accordingly.

Easy to apply

Choose whether to apply tracking by default (during initial set-up), then toggle on/off on a campaign-to-campaign basis depending on whether you want to automatically append Google tracking information to your links.

Reap the rewards

Monitor the success of your email campaigns and learn more about what your customers and prospects want. You can also compare results and conversions from email campaigns to those from your other digital marketing sources.

3 Key Benefits of our Google Analytics Connect Integration

  • Reporting – Gold-Vision’s Google Analytics integration allows you to report on the success of your email campaigns sent from Connect. View the statistics in graphs and tables, and use the information to make changes to future email shots.
  • Give your leads and customers what they want – With the ability to view how many users clicked on a specific link, and more importantly which goals were completed you can make more informed choices in the future, picking content and links that engage your audience the most.
  • Compare – Compare analytics across your different email campaigns to see what it working, and what isn’t.

Setting up the Google Analytics Connect Integration

Google Analytics is built into your Gold-Vision Connect system as standard. For information on how to use this feature, please visit our Google Analytics help-site page.

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