Search Results
Articles tagged "export" returned 20 results.
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How Do I Export Data?
...adding any additional fields you need and then exporting the data to CSV. Export Data using Reports Filter your data (see ‘Viewing and Searching Lists‘), select Report from the Views...
Monitor And Manage Privacy Data
...also be listed. Export Privacy Log CSV file containing your lawful basis for processing, purposes and planned removal date. Export Notes CSV file of notes relating to the Contact or...
Using Word Mail Merge
Word mail merge can be used to create a personalise Outlook email to a group of recipients using a campaign source You can either create a campaign source and export...
User Language Labels Language has been added, select it from the list available and then Export. Close modal On the CSV file that was exported you will need to translate the Language...
Form Submissions
...modal You can also click the Export button to export the list to CSV, PDF or Excel File. Close modal Info For more information see the, Elements Overview page....
Microsoft Outlook Integration Overview
...internal emails to projects with no manual work required. Gold-Vision automatically imports or exports contacts, and even matches them with the correct account. Close modal 3 Key Benefits of our...
User Defined Reporting
...Fields, Filters & Sort options. Close modal When you Save your report, you will be given the option to Run, Export Data, Copy or Delete. Info Choosing Run will create...
Campaign stage types
...campaign, rather than create a campaign stage, you instead create your source in Gold-Vision, then click Actions and Export Recipients to export to csv ready to upload to Microsoft Word...
...has been created at the same time with the Account Long multi-line Document URLs are correctly hyperlinked when exported in Document Production as PDF Multi Document drag and drop now...
Using the Eventbrite Integration
...under the new Account No: Only this Contact will be put under the new Account. Extra Gold-Vision Event Functionality Creating Activities against Events Exporting Lists to create Badges Create Campaigns...